A1 and A2 Milk


The National Bureau of Animal Genetic Research has recently demonstrated the superior milk quality of Indian cattle breeds.


After scanning 22 cattle breeds, scientists concluded that in five high milk-yielding native breeds – Red Sindhi, Sahiwal, Tharparkar, Rathi, Kankrej, Khilar, Dangi, Gir – the status of A2 allele of the beta casein gene was 100 per cent.  In other Indian breeds it was around 94 per cent, compared to only 60 per cent in exotic breeds like Jersey and HF.


The A2 allele is responsible for making available more Omega-6 fatty acids in milk.  The pure Indian breed desi cow produces A2 milk, which contains less Betacosmophorine-7 (BCM-7), as opposed to the hybrid cows which generally produce A1 milk.


Benefits of Desi Cow Milk and Ghee

·       As per Ayurvedic tradition, Cow Ghee helps in the growth and development of Children’s brain
·       Regular consumption increases good (HDL) cholesterol (and not bad LDL cholesterol)
·       Stimulates digestion and aids absorption of fat-soluble vitamins
·       An excellent all-round anti-ageing vegetarian food & external applicant on the skin
·       Desi Cow milk is like nectar, because it has amino acids which make its protein easily digestible
·       It is good for kidney
·       It is a rich source of Vitamins like B2, B3 and A which help increasing immunity
·       Cow Milk helps in reducing acidity, (a common problem today)
·       Reduces chances of peptic ulcer
·       Helps in reducing chances of colon, breast and skin cancer
·       Desi Cow milk prevents the formation of serum cholesterol
·       It is one of the best natural antioxidants

 After mother’s milk, it is only the cow’s milk which gives energy and full protection and is Digestible

Contents of Cows Milk

100gms of Cows Milk contains:

·       Phosphorous 0.93 gms -> Energy release for metabolic activity and physical activity
·       Calcium 1.20gm -> Healthy bones and Teeth
·       Iron 0.002 gm ->
·       Magnesium -> for muscle function and elements Vanadium, chromium, tin, aluminum, abhrak and sisa.
·       It has 25 types of minerals and Vitamins as:
·       Vitamin B12 – for production of healthy cells
·       Vitamin A – for good eyesight and immune function
·       Zinc – for immune function
·       Riboflavin – for healthy skin
·       Folate – for production of healthy cells
·       Vitamin C – for formation of healthy connective tissues
·       Iodine – for regulation of the body’s rate of metabolism
·       Charaka Samhita, the ancient text on Indian Medicine, strongly recommends the use of Desi Cow products for the treatment of various ailments.

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Shivanjali Gauseva Pratishthan

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